This record shows the chain of ownership for this parcel, with all ownership
transfers shown dating back to the late 1990’s. Click
here for an explanation of
the verify codes. |
Sales Information |
Sale number 4 | | Sale Date | 01/14/2020 | | Price | $570,900 | | Excise | 542413 | | Sale Type | STATUTRY WARNTY DEED | | Recording Number | 4731882 | | Seller | LITTLEFIELD DWIGHT & JENNIFER | | Buyer | ROSEN EDWIN & SHANNON | | Multiple parcel sale? | N | | Sale Verify | AA | Sale number 3 | | Sale Date | 11/14/2005 | | Price | $392,000 | | Excise | 345204 | | Sale Type | STATUTRY WARNTY DEED | | Recording Number | 3785938 | | Seller | CLARK TRUSTEE ELIZABETH | | Buyer | LITTLEFIELD DWIGHT & JENNIFER | | Multiple parcel sale? | N | | Sale Verify | AA | Sale number 2 | | Sale Date | 07/03/2002 | | Price | | | Excise | 302624 | | Sale Type | QUIT CLAIM DEED | | Recording Number | 3452942 | | Seller | CLARK ELIZABETH | | Buyer | CLARK TRUSTEE ELIZABETH | | Multiple parcel sale? | N | | Sale Verify | QC | Sale number 1 | | Sale Date | 11/03/1997 | | Price | $245,000 | | Excise | 254360 | | Sale Type | STATUTRY WARNTY DEED | | Recording Number | 3118635 | | Seller | SMITH DONALD | | Buyer | CLARK FRED/ELIZABETH | | Multiple parcel sale? | N | | Sale Verify | AA |