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Search criteria used:
Neighborhood of: 64303500503
Sale year >= 2020

Neighborhood Sales Search

  • Included are all property transfers in your neighborhood that traded for greater than $0.
  • Some property transfers shown are not considered valid for the purpose of determining market value.
  • Click here for an explanation of the verify codes used by our office.
  • Transactions that have been used to determine the most recent assessed values in your neighborhood are marked with “***Yes***”.
  • Any Sales marked “No” have not been used to determine the most current assessed values. These could include sales that were used in past years to determine assessed values or that will be used in the next valuation year. These sales could also include sales that have been reviewed and found not to be representative of the market.
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Property NumberSitus AddressProperty TypeDate of SaleSale PriceVerify CodeUsed For Neighborhood Analysis
643035001009819 GROVE RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT12/10/2024$3,992,500AANo
6430070050116314 SE RAILWAY RD11 - SINGLE-UNIT6/24/2024$1,300,000PLNo
6430070040016330 SE RAILWAY RD11 - SINGLE-UNIT5/10/2024$1,250,000PLNo
217241101029331 CULLENS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT4/16/2024$499,950AA*** Yes ***
2172514030010747 MILL RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT3/30/2024$410,000AA*** Yes ***
2273024080115805 SE 105TH WAY11 - SINGLE-UNIT3/7/2024$600,000AA*** Yes ***
217241105019435 CULLENS RD SE18 - OTHER-RESID2/26/2024$275,000AA*** Yes ***
22719240400404 EDWARD ST SW11 - SINGLE-UNIT1/23/2024$445,000AA*** Yes ***
5154030270010143 GROVE RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT12/11/2023$750,000OTNo
6430310060016849 103RD AVE SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT8/30/2023$499,900AA*** Yes ***
2172443010015105 LONGMIRE ST SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT3/24/2023$180,000ESNo
227192201131001 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD NW91 - UNDEVELOPED-LAND11/8/2022$200,000AA*** Yes ***
2172514050210725 MILL RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT9/20/2022$470,000AA*** Yes ***
6430310051017021 103RD AVE SE91 - UNDEVELOPED-LAND9/20/2022$67,700TENo
6430350050316404 MIDDLE ST SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT4/20/2022$516,000AA*** Yes ***
2273023010115725 SE 105TH WAY11 - SINGLE-UNIT1/5/2022$350,000AA*** Yes ***
217241101029331 CULLENS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT12/6/2021$390,000AA*** Yes ***
227183102038503 CANAL RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT11/24/2021$20,322IHNo
2172424020114636 BERRY VALLEY RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT11/16/2021$545,000AA*** Yes ***
6430340030010403 GROVE RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT10/15/2021$199,500UCNo
6430070050116314 SE RAILWAY RD11 - SINGLE-UNIT9/20/2021$439,000AA*** Yes ***
6430310070510348 GROVE RD SE18 - OTHER-RESID8/11/2021$350,000AA*** Yes ***
227183102019008 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT8/9/2021$370,468AA*** Yes ***
217241101029331 CULLENS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT7/28/2021$184,250AA*** Yes ***
227183102008511 CANAL RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT6/25/2021$393,000AA*** Yes ***
22719240200614 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT4/26/2021$135,000RANo
6430360120416135 RAILWAY RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT4/13/2021$167,000AA*** Yes ***
6430360100016307 MIDDLE RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT3/10/2021$240,000AA*** Yes ***
2172511070315311 104TH AVE SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT12/23/2020$348,000AA*** Yes ***
2172511070215307 104TH AVE SE18 - OTHER-RESID9/14/2020$275,000AA*** Yes ***
6430350050316404 MIDDLE ST SE91 - UNDEVELOPED-LAND8/31/2020$68,055AA*** Yes ***
6430310070310428 GROVE RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT8/20/2020$435,000AA*** Yes ***
2273022090015501 105TH WAY SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT7/27/2020$80,000AANo
227183401021110 CRYSTAL SPRINGS RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT7/16/2020$320,000AA*** Yes ***
6430310060216895 103RD AVE SE91 - UNDEVELOPED-LAND7/1/2020$95,000AA*** Yes ***
6430360120416135 RAILWAY RD SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT6/11/2020$160,000ESNo
22719230700407 LONGMIRE ST NW11 - SINGLE-UNIT2/28/2020$520,000ESNo
2273023010015625 105TH WAY SE11 - SINGLE-UNIT1/14/2020$570,900AA*** Yes ***
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