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Search criteria used:
Neighborhood of: 59470000300
Sale year >= 2019

Neighborhood Sales Search

  • Included are all property transfers in your neighborhood that traded for greater than $0.
  • Some property transfers shown are not considered valid for the purpose of determining market value.
  • Click here for an explanation of the verify codes used by our office.
  • Transactions that have been used to determine the most recent assessed values in your neighborhood are marked with “***Yes***”.
  • Any Sales marked “No” have not been used to determine the most current assessed values. These could include sales that were used in past years to determine assessed values or that will be used in the next valuation year. These sales could also include sales that have been reviewed and found not to be representative of the market.
Click Here for Print Friendly Report
Property NumberSitus AddressProperty TypeDate of SaleSale PriceVerify CodeUsed For Neighborhood Analysis
594700003009214 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID8/6/2024$375,000AANo
594700032009241 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID1/3/2024$389,000AA*** Yes ***
441500001002404 92ND CT SE18 - OTHER-RESID3/7/2023$325,000AA*** Yes ***
594700007009222 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID3/1/2023$381,000AA*** Yes ***
594700023009246 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID7/19/2022$425,000AA*** Yes ***
594700023009246 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID4/7/2022$287,000CCNo
594700020009240 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID3/24/2022$420,000AA*** Yes ***
594700030009237 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID2/23/2022$400,000AA*** Yes ***
594700020009240 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID12/3/2021$230,000AA*** Yes ***
594700029009235 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID6/16/2021$328,000AA*** Yes ***
594700011009116 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID5/24/2021$330,000AA*** Yes ***
594700001009210 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID4/13/2021$325,000AA*** Yes ***
594700005009218 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID12/17/2020$200,000RLNo
594700015009230 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID6/15/2020$130,000RLNo
594700004009216 LONGHORN LOOP SE18 - OTHER-RESID11/16/2019$260,000AA*** Yes ***
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