A+ Assessor's Parcel Look-Up System

Please let us know if you discover any inconsistencies on your property data. Complete this form and then click on the Submit button. Please be sure that you include your daytime phone number so that we can confirm the corrections.
Information for Parcel Number:   09260011000
Please enter your comments (required):
Please enter your name (required):
Please enter your daytime phone number or e-mail address (required):

Please tell us what you think about the A+ Assessor's Parcel Look-Up System.
Please rank each area and add your comments.
Rating values:
1 = ho hum, 2 = okay, 3 = good, 4 = great, 5 = super!
Relevance of Data/Information Provided:  1  2  3  4  5

Does the program provide the data/information that you are looking for? What other elements would you like added?
Ease of Use and Appearance:  1  2  3  4  5

How easy and logical was it to navigate to find information? Are instructions needed?

Is the layout and content clear and easy to understand?
Performance and Reliability:  1  2  3  4  5

When did you use the program? Day      Time  

Did the program operate at an acceptable speed?

Did you receive any error messages or did the program respond in an erratic or illogical way?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
I would like sales information for this parcel.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.